Kamis, 09 Februari 2012


XML is a new type of language which has been developed for the web which is different to any other type of scripting or programming language available before. Instead of being concerned with the processing and display of data, XML's primary purpose is to tell the computer what data entered actually means.

The Two Problems

There are two main reasons for the development of XML:
  1. Computers do not understand the information placed in them.. For example there is no way for a search engine, or any other computer,
    to know that this is page contains the introduction part of an XML tutorial. All it is is a collection of letters and numbers, with HTML formatting around it. The computer cannot even tell what on this page is a heading, what is text and what is an advert. This is the main problem which XML was designed to overcome. If a page or document is written in XML, a computer can understand exactly what it is about. As will probably be obvious, this has very major implications for search engine technology. If a search engine knew exactly what was on a page, it would be able to instantly provide the exact results a person was looking for, with no inaccurate matches and no half-relevant pages. This is just the revolution the over-bloated web needs.
  2. Web pages are not compatible across different devices. One of the major difficulties that web designers have today is that people are now accessing the pages from a variety of different devices. PCs, Macs, mobile phones, palmtop computers and even televisions. Because of this, web designers must now either produce their pages in several different formats to cope with this, or they must cut back on the design in order to have the page compatible across the different formats. Because XML is used to define what data means and not how it is displayed, it makes it very easy to use the same data on several different platforms.

What Is XML?

So what actually is XML? The thing about it which people find the most difficult to understand is that XML does not actually do anything. XML is not a way to design your home page and it won't change the way in which you build sites. This has made many people believe that XML is useless, as they can't see a way that it will benefit them. XML has a wide variety of benefits though, two of which were outlined above.
The real use of XML, though, is to describe data. It is used, in a similar way in which HTML is, except for the fact that there is a major difference between the two:

HTML is used to describe how data is formatted.

XML is used to describe what data actually means.

The Language

As mentioned above, XML looks, and is structured very similarly to HTML. They both use the system where tags are used to enclose the data they refer to. They both can use nested tags and both can also have attributes added to their tags.

The most revolutionary thing about XML, though is that you are not restricted to just using the normal, pre-defined tags like font and br. Instead you are responsible for making up the tags yourself. You can name them anything you like and can use them to represent anything you like. This is a feature which cannot be found in any other scripting language on the web.

Is It Difficult To Learn?

The answer to this, in short, is no. The only thing you have to learn about XML is how to structure your tags, and they are in fact almost identical to HTML tags. Most of it is just logical thinking. Before learning XML it is important that you already know HTML. It is also useful if you know a web scripting language such as PHP, ASP or JavaScript. If you do not yet know these try some of the tutorials on the site. If you are looking to be able to format a web page, not describe data, you will be better of learning XHTML, the new standard replacing H

Part 2


As you will have read in part I, the way in which XML is written is very similar to HTML. They both use the same system of enclosing pieces of information or data in tags to apply formatting (in the case of HTML or data rules (in the case of XML) to it.

XML Tags

The tags used in XML, as well as being very similar in construction to HTML, also look like HTML tags. They are formed by a word (or a number of words) enclosed inside <> and </> signs. Just like, for example the <font></font> tag in HTML. The difference, of course, though is that XML tags are not pre-defined like HTML ones are. An example could be the XML tag <message> and the end tag </message> which could be used to enclose an e-mail message stored on a web based e-mail system.

Nesting And Structure

Much like HTML tags, XML tags can be nested. Using the example of the e-mail above, this is a piece of XML code:

<subject>Comments on XML</subject>
I think that XML has great potential. It will work very well and will help many people to make much better use of the internet.

As you can see. this piece of code includes nested tags. The first element (tag) in the XML code is the <message> element. This is what is called the root element. It defines the bottom level of the document and is saying 'This is an e-mail message'. All the other tags are nested inside this <message> tag. The next tag which appears is the <header> tag. This is saying that the information contained within it is the e-mail header. This also has nested tags. for example the <subject> tag, which appears as part of the header tag. as the subject is part of the header. Something which is often done in HTML is incorrect nesting. For example: the code: <b><i>Bold and italic</b></i> would work correctly in a web browser. even though the italic tags should both be inside the bold tags. This must not be done in XML. It is very important that all XML tags are correctly nested.

XML Correctness

Another point which should be brought up now, is the strictness of XML when writing code. The whole idea of XML is that it should be independent of the platform it is running on. The same code should run the same way on a PC, a Mac, a mobile phone and even a toaster. As XML does not actually do anything (it is just a language for defining data), it is up to software developers to make software to use this data on a particular platform. This means that it is important that all XML code is structured the same way, so that software can easily be developed. Because of this requirement for correct code, it has been decided (and is now a standard) that if any mistakes (for example incorrectly nested tags) are found in XML code, it will not execute, and will just give an error message. This means that when writing XML, you must be very careful about correct syntax.

Declaring XML

The final part of the XML syntax you should learn just now is how to declare an XML document. The correct way of doing this is to use the tag:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

This tells whatever software receives this data that you are writing XML and that it should match the specification for version 1.0. As this is not actually an XML tag it does not require a closing tag.

Part 3

In part 3 I will explain further about how an XML document is displayed by the browser and how to make an XML file.

Now you should know what XML is for and how to write a basic XML document. In this part I will show you how to create a full XML document and load it in a browser, as well and the different ways it can be displayed.

Making The Document

Creating your XML document is as easy as making an HTML page. All you need is a text editor (for example Notepad). Create a new document and enter the XML document into it, for example, the e-mail message from part 2:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<subject>Comments on XML</subject>
I think that XML has great potential. It will work very well and will help many people to make much better use of the internet.

Then, all you have to do is to save the document with a .xml extension. Now, try loading this file in your browser.
Click Here To Load The File

This is probably quite a surprising result, whatever browser you are using. I will now cover the results for both Internet Explorer and Netscape/Mozilla.

XML In Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer is probably one of the best browsers for viewing XML pages. It provides a hierarchical display of the XML file, color coding the elements and allowing you to expand and collapse the nested elements.

If you don't have Internet Explorer you can see what it looks like in the image below (without the collapsable elements, though).

Screenshot of XML displayed in Internet Explorer

This is proably quite surpising to see, as it doesn't look like any other web page you will have seen before. You may also be surprised that you can't really do much, but this is exactly what XML is. Some sort of program or code must be written to process the data.


The Mozilla and Netscape browsers are not as good as Internet Explorer at supporting XML. Mozilla, for example, presents the XML data as plain text:

Screenshot of XML displayed in Mozilla

This is also a valid display of XML, because, as you will have noticed from the code above, there is really no way to tell the browser how to display the data, so it just shows it as plain text.

Which Is Best?

Probably the best way to develop your XML files is to use Internet Explorer. Apart from the fact that it will provide you with a nicely formatted version of your XML file, it also has another benefit. If there is an error in your XML file, Internet Explorer provides a helpful message telling you exactly where the error is and displaying the incorrect piece of code. The latest version of Mozilla will also do this, although its XML formatting is not as good.

How Can I Guarantee The User Will See The Page?

This is the major problem with XML. With so many browsers around there is no way to guarantee that your data will be displayed the way you want it (which is the reason why there are images of the output in this tutorial). Luckily, there are very few occasions where you will want your users to see the raw XML data, and in most cases a piece of software or a script will process the data first. For now, processing the data first is really the best course of action to take.

Part 4

In part 4 I will show you how to format the XML output in the browser.


As you will have seen in the last part of the tutorial, browsers are not particularly good at formatting XML, and only the very latest browsers support it at all. Although most of the time XML will be used to define data, not to display it, there may be occasions where you decide that you want to format the XML data for viewing. There are three main ways of doing this.


Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are one of the more recent web technologies, and are used extensively for formatting standard HTML pages. If you would like to find out more about Cascading Style Sheets read the tutorial on Free Webmaster Help (see related links).

CSS can also be used to format XML documents, though. CSS can 'redefine' HTML tags, allowing them to be presented in different ways. Similarly, it can be used to define how XML tags are displayed. In this section of the tutorial, I will be using an expanded version of my earlier e-mail example:

<subject>Comments on XML</subject>
I think that XML has great potential. It will work very well and will help many people to make much better use of the internet.
<subject>An excellent site</subject>
I have just visited your site and I think it is amazing. Keep up the good work!

If I wanted to display this on a web page, I could use the following CSS code:

background-color: #ffffff;
width: 100%;
display: block;
background-color: #DDDDDD;
margin-bottom: 30pt;
display: block;
background-color: #999999;
margin-bottom: 10pt;
display: block;
color: #0000FF;
font-size: 12pt;
display: block;
color: #FF0000;
font-size: 12pt;
display: block;
font-size: 14pt;
font-weight: bold;
display: block;
font size: 12pt;

There may be a few pieces of code here that are unfamiliar, so I will just cover them. display: block; is important as it tells the system to display the data inside this tag as a block on the page, and most importantly, taking a new line after it. This is also related to the margin-bottom declaration, which allows a space after pieces of data have been displayed.

The actual format of this CSS code is quite simple, though. The XML element name is given, followed by the formatting data inside curly brackets { }. The easiest way to use this with your code is to save it as a .css file (which is just a plain text file, which can be made in any text editor.

Finally, add the following to the beginning of the XML code:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="estyle.css"?>

The first line is the standard declaration of the XML document. The second line points to the stylesheet which will format this document (in this case estyle.css).

You can click here to see the output of this (only recent browsers will support this).


XSL stands for eXstensible Stylesheet Language, and is a new language developed to format XML docuements. For this example, I will use the same XML code from above.

To format the code, you must create an XSL stylesheet. Although XSL is a language in itself, I will just cover the basics here. The following code goes in a file estyle.xsl:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<HTML xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/TR/WD-xsl">
<BODY STYLE="font-family:Arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12pt;
<xsl:for-each select="email/message">
<xsl:for-each select="header">
<DIV STYLE="background-color:#EEEEEE; padding:4px">
<SPAN STYLE="color:black">To: <xsl:value-of select="to"/></SPAN>
<DIV STYLE="background-color:#EEEEEE; padding:4px">
<SPAN STYLE="color:black">From: <xsl:value-of select="from"/></SPAN>
<DIV STYLE="background-color:#EEEEEE; padding:4px">
<SPAN STYLE="font-weight: bold; color:black"><xsl:value-of select="subject"/></SPAN>
<DIV STYLE="margin-left:20px; margin-bottom:1em; font-size:10pt">
<xsl:value-of select="body"/>

At first glance it looks very strange, but really it is just HTML DIV and SPAN tags, combined with a little XSL code. I won't cover DIV and SPAN tags fully here, as this is not an HTML tutorial, but the basics of them are that you are assigning areas of the page which contain formatting. The XSL document is really just an HTML page with a bit of XSL code added to it. For anyone who has used PHP or another scripting language to output HTML, this will all be quite familiar. The actual XSL is as follows:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<HTML xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/TR/WD-xsl">

This is the standard header for an XSL document.

<xsl:for-each select="email/message">

This works just like a for loop in a scripting or programming language. It tells the browser to loop through all the items <message> inside the <email> tag.

<xsl:for-each select="header">

This is another for loop to go through all the occurences of the <header> tag inside the <message> tag. In this example of code, there is only one <header> for each message, but this code needs to be included so that the browser looks inside the <header> tag.

To: <xsl:value-of select="to"/>

This is probably the best feature of XSL over CSS. You will have noticed that in the CSS formatted document, all I could do was to display the e-mail addresses at the top of the message. Using XSL (as it is really just an HTML document with extra coding in it), I can tell the browser to output To: before the value. The second part of this line tells the browser to output the value of the tag <to> in the position of the XSL tag.


This is the end of the loop through the header. At this point the browser looks to see if there is another <header> in the <message> section of the document. As there is not, it continues.


The second occurance of this tag tells the browser to loop through to the next <message> tag. As you can see, it can get difficult to follow your nested loops like this, so often it is helpful to indent your code.

Finally, add the following to your XML code:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml:stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="estyle.xsl" ?>

As with the CSS, this tells the browser to look for the XSL file estyle.xsl to get formatting details.

You can view the output of these files here.

Data Islands

Another way of formatting XML is to use Data Islands. Currently, only Internet Explorer 5 and upwards support this, and it is an unofficial standard. Again, I will use the same XML to demonstrate this. Using this method, you use the unofficial <xml> tag in a normal HTML document. You can either surround your XML data with <xml> and </xml> or you can embed a remote file.

To embed data straight into the file you use the folloing format:

<xml id="emails">
XML code goes in here but without first declaration line

To embed XML from a remote file use:

<xml id="emails" src="emails.xml">

As you will have noticed, you must give an ID to your XML.

Now you have got the XML da
ta into the file, you can format it by normal HTML, but using <span> tags to insert particular fields. This is an example of formatting the e-mail file:


<xml id="emails" src="emaildata.xml"></xml>

<table bgcolor= "#EEEEEE" border="0" datasrc="#emails">
<tr bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><td>To: <span datafld="to"></span></td></tr>
<tr bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><td>From: <span datafld="from"></span></td></tr>
<tr bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><td><b>Subject: <span datafld="subject"></span></b></td></tr>
<tr><td><span datafld="body"></span></td></tr>

Although I used the same XML data for this as for all the others, I removed the <header> item as the data objects only appear to work on the first level of the document.

You can view the result here.

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